Page 16 - Final Noosa Cycling and Walking Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020 - 2040
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Opportunities for our community
There are many opportunities to grow the number of bike Increasing participation
riders and walkers in our community.
Around 60% of the population is typically categorised as
Behaviour change “interested but concerned” when it comes to bike riding (refer
to Figure 3). There is a significant opportunity to increase the
A holistic approach is required to get "more people riding a number of people that may ride their bike if the issues that
bike and walking for health, transport and tourism". Provision concern them can be addressed. One of the primary concerns
of infrastructure can be supported by interventions which identified is fear of traffic and mixing with motor vehicles. The
"nudge" people to change their behaviour. There is no single NCWSIP aims to address the concerns of these potential bike
solution that will shift bike riding behaviour or encourage riders.
people to walk, rather a series of targeted initiatives such as
building bike riding skills and confidence, shifting the negative Based on Queensland research, the most significant
connotations surrounding Lycra-clad road cyclists, and opportunity to encourage bike riding is to promote recreation
investing in infrastructure and policy development. or commuting trips, and to provide safe and comfortable
infrastructure which is separated from traffic.
Programs which aim to nudge travel behaviour can provide
high benefits compared to the cost of expensive infrastructure.
Activities which encourage and promote people walking and
riding a bike have been found to make a difference to mode
shift away from the car in many locations. Non-infrastructure
solutions targeting behaviour change and education can
complement the proposed infrastructure solutions in Noosa.
Four essentials of an active travel friendly
Figure 4: Community attitudes to cycling 2
Encouraging more people to bike ride and walk across the
Shire requires four key components to ensure lasting change.
Go Noosa, Top: Noosaville State School students participate in cycle skills sessions
Figure 3: Key criteria for lasting change 1 Bottom: St Teresa's Catholic College students participate in bike maintenance
Source: (1) Department of Transport and Main Roads 2018, Bicycle riding encouragement guide, 2018, Queensland Government, Brisbane, QLD
(2) Gellar, R 2006, Four Types of Cyclists, Portland Bureau of Transportation, Portland, Oregon