Page 5 - Final Noosa Cycling and Walking Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020 - 2040
P. 5
From the Mayor
We want to see more people riding a bike and walking to “It is Council’s intention to prioritise the
the shops, school and in our scenic and attractive coastal delivery of active transport projects when it
and hinterland areas. The Noosa Cycling and Walking considers the annual budget. This will include
Strategy and Implementation Plan (NCWSIP) provides us
with the direction to make this happen. It proposes a plan investigation into alternative funding streams.”
to not only build safe infrastructure where it is most needed,
but also looks at implementing programs to encourage The NCWSIP defines and prioritises a list of projects for
people to use it. Council to deliver. The capital works plan proposed is based
on historic expenditure on walking and cycling by Council.
The NCWSIP sets out Council’s direction and commitment It is our intention to review this expenditure as part of our
to the vision of “More people riding a bike and walking for annual budget review, with the aim to find more money to
health, transport, tourism and the environment”. Our goal is spend in this area and consider other funding streams. We
to make riding a bike and walking so convenient and safe will also continue to find ways to partner with agencies such
that it is the preferred mode of transport for our residents as the State and Federal Governments to co-fund the plan.
and visitors. We are committed to creating a safe and connected active
transport network for Noosa residents and visitors.
Actions such as providing convenient bike parking, safe
road crossings and planting canopy trees along our paths Our headline projects from the implementation plan include:
can make our infrastructure more inviting and attractive.
Our plan aims to embrace evolving trends such as e-bikes, • Noosa Parade upgrade: scheduled to start early 2022
which have the potential to overcome barriers for many • Garth Prowd Bridge shared path widening: scheduled
users such as hilly terrain, climate and fitness levels. to start early 2022
The implementation of our vision enables commitment to • Noosa Drive off-road path
existing Council strategies and plans such as the Noosa • Maple Street Cooroy new shared path and on-road
Transport Strategy, the Noosa Environment Strategy, cycle lane
Noosa's Social Strategy and the Sport and Active
Recreation Plan. • Sunshine Beach Road bikeway
• Hilton Esplanade upgrade
There are so many reasons to encourage more people to
ride a bike and/or walk such as: • Trails Masterplan and Implementation Plan
• $250,000 per annum expenditure on hinterland and
• improving travel choice for our residents and visitors to local links.
our activity centres, villages, schools and tourism hubs
• building a healthier community We had an overwhelming response to our community
consultation, with over 260 residents providing feedback
• reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the or completing the survey. A summary of the results can be
use of private motor vehicles found at
• supporting and contributing to the local economy by
improving economic vitality of our centres and enticing
more cycling events to attract tourism.